Craziest Fun Facts About Cars

Whether you are a die-hard car fan or not, we can all admit that cars are incredible. It is impossible to know EVERYTHING about cars unless it is your profession, but even professionals might lack in the fun fact department. If you are looking for weird, random, mind-blowing fun facts, you have come to the right place. We have compiled a list of the craziest fun facts you have ever heard, all relating to cars.

Car Maintenance Fun Facts

  1. Nearly 900 Million Oil Changes Are Performed Each Year
    Getting your oil changed regularly is very important. We recommend changing your oil every 3,000-5,000 miles.
  2. The Average Car Owner Spends About $400 On Diagnostics, Scheduled Maintenance, and Tune-Ups Every Year
    If you own a vehicle, odds are you will be spending about 400 a year on maintenance. These maintenance services are very important to the longevity of your vehicle. Avoiding these services could lead to breakdowns or other expensive services.
  3. 60 Billion Dollars Worth Of Car Maintenance Does Unperformed Each Year
    It is very important to take care of your car’s maintenance because unperformed maintenance services can lead to more expensive breakdowns. If you need an oil change, tire rotation, or another maintenance service, book an appointment with a qualified mechanic right away, so you don’t contribute to the 60 billion dollars of unperformed car maintenance.
  4. Cars Are Made Up Of Approximately 30,000 Parts
    There are so many different parts in a car, it is almost impossible for the average car owner to know all of them. That’s why it is so important to hire a knowledgeable technician to repair your car when there is a problem. You might know of a few of the more common auto parts such as the battery, engine, headlights, brake pads, and more. But there are hundreds of parts you may have never even heard of, like the combination valve, distributor, spacer ring, fuel injector, and more.
  5. In 2019, The Most Common Reason For An Illuminated Check Engine Light Was A Problem With The Catalytic Converter
    Catalytic converter replacement services are more common in older vehicles, and since the average age of cars on the road is becoming older, this service is needed more often. Want to learn more about catalytic converters?
  6. 60 Billion Dollars Worth Of Car Maintenance Does Unperformed Each Year
    Many car owners put off car maintenance services because they don’t want to spend their money, but avoiding maintenance can lead to more severe problems. 

Automotive History Fun Facts

  1. Windshield Wipers Were Invented By A Woman Named Mary Anderson
    In 1905, Mary Anderson invented windshield wipers to remove the hassle of driving in the rain or snow. Before windshield wipers were invented, drivers would have to repeatedly get out of their cars and clean off the windshield by hand.
  2. Antilock Brakes Were Invented Over 50 Years Ago
    The first antilock brakes were invented in the 1920s, and they became more popular in the 1990s. Today, most modern cars have an antilock braking system, or ABS.
  3. The Term “Tune-Up” Was Created By Henry Ford While Working On His First Automobile Prototype
    Henry Ford spent a lot of time working on the automobile, and he noticed that when the coils worked together properly, they would buzz. If the coils didn’t make the buzzing sound, it showed they needed an adjustment that he later called a “tune-up.”
  4. The First Electric Vehicle Was Created In 1832
    Robert Anderson created the first electric-powered vehicle in 1832. Then in the 1990s, General Motors produced the EV1, otherwise known as the first mass-produced electric car. Today, many drivers are opting to purchase an electric car to reduce their carbon footprint.
  5. The Worlds First Automobile Race Was In 1895 With A Winning Speed Of 15 MPH
    Things have changed quite a bit since 1895, and luckily, cars can move a lot faster than 15. If cars could still only drive a maximum of 15 mph, it would take a long time to get around.
  6. Brake Lights Were Invented In 1905
    Prior to the invention of brake lights, many drivers relied on hand signals to let others know where they were going. This was problematic at night time as the dark made it difficult to see hand signals. Now, brake lights are a requirement for vehicles as they are an important safety feature!
  7. The First Recorded Road Trip Was In August Of 1888 By Bertha Benz
    Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl Benz who invented the first practical motorcar, and her two sons took a road trip from Mannheim to Pforzheim, Germany. The 66-mile trip was the first long-distance road trip ever recorded and took about 7 hours to complete.
  8. The Inventor Of Cruise Control, Ralph Teetor, Was Blind
    Ralph Teetor got into an accident when he was five years old that caused him to be blind. The accident never stopped his curiosity thought! He eventually set out to create a mechanism that could keep the vehicle speed constant in order to save fuel. This first cruise control mechanism was called a “Speedostat.”
  9. Prior To The Invention Of The Steering Wheel, Drivers Used A Lever To Steer The Car
    Steering wheels were invented in Cleveland, Ohio, by a man named Alexander Winton. Back in 1896, Winton began a series of inventions relating to cars and is most known for his steering wheel.
  10. The Car Radio Was First Introduced By Chevrolet
    In 1922, the first car radio was introduced by Chevrolet. The government wanted to ban it because it could be considered a distraction, but the ban didn’t go through. By 1963, most vehicles had radios in them.
  11. The First Three-Point Seatbelt Was Introduced In 1959
    The Volvo Amazon 120 and PV 544 were the first models to have the three-point seatbelt that we know today. Nils Bohlin, a Volvo engineer, is credited with the development of the seatbelts. And as of 1968, all vehicles were required to have this three-point seatbelt as a safety feature.

Car Manufacturer Fun Facts

  1. The Best-Selling Car Of All Time Is The Toyota Corolla
    Toyota has sold more than 43 million Toyota Corollas since 1966! This model is extremely popular because it is widely available all over the world, it continues to get updated and improved each year, it has good gas mileage, and it’s well-known for being a reliable vehicle.
  2. Toyota Is The Largest Car Manufacturer In The World
    Toyota makes approximately 13,000 cars every day! No wonder Toyotas are one of the most popular cars on the road today.
  3. Ferrari Only Manufactures A Maximum Of 14 Cars A Day
    The Ferrari manufacturers only produce 14 cars a day. That is a very large difference from Toyota’s 13,000 vehicles a day! The limited number of vehicles produced makes them more exclusive and valuable.
  1. The World Record Of The Highest Vehicle Mileage Is 3,039,122 miles
    Irvin Gordon was able to put just over 3 million miles on his 1966 Volvo 1800S back in 2014. That is almost the same distance as 120 trips around the earth! His secret? The world may never know! All we can suggest to keep your car healthy and able to tack on the miles is to maintain a regular maintenance schedule.
    However, you want to have low mileage on your vehicle unless you are attempting to break the world record.
  2. The Largest Car Collection World Record Is 7,000+ Cars
    The 29th Sultan of Brunei owns over 7,000 cars of all different makes and models. He owns extremely rare, one-of-a-kind cars as well as more popular ones. It’s enough to make any car lover jealous.
  3. The World Record For The Fastest Engine Replacement Is 42 Seconds
    Five Royal British marines spent two weeks practicing engine replacements until they could do it fast enough to break the world record. Since then, they have continued to hold the world record for the fastest engine replacement ever!

Other Interesting Facts

  1. The Famous “New Car Smell” Is Made Up Of About 50 Volatile Organic Compounds
    Most car manufacturers are trying to find ways to eliminate this smell because it contains harmful chemicals. The volatile organic compounds, or VOC, come from petroleum-based solvents in the plastic and vinyl parts of the car.
  2. 95% Of A Car’s Lifetime Is Spent Parked
    Your car spends only 5% of its lifetime on the road. The rest of its lifetime will be spent parked overnight or while not in use.  This is why it is so important to park your car in a safe spot like a private garage or a driveway.
  3. 95% Of Americans Drive An Automatic Vehicle
    Most Americans drive an automatic vehicle for the ease of driving. In fact, since the 1980s, automatic vehicles have been growing in popularity. The remaining 5% of drivers prefer manual vehicles. Do you prefer automatic or manual transmission?
  4. Most Car Horns Honk In The Key of F
    You might have noticed that most car sound the same when the driver honks the horn, but did you know that car horns typically honk in the key of F? The most common sounds are F and F#, but you can still hear other keys too.
  5. The Average American Spends Over 38 Hours In Traffic Every Year
    38 hours is a long time, but that is just an average. Some Americans spend more or less time in traffic. In fact, people living in Los Angeles spend an average of 119 hours in traffic every year.
  6. Cars On The Road Are Getting Older Over Time
    The average age of cars on the road in 2010 was 10.6 years, and in 2019 it was 11.8. This number is expected to continue growing as newer vehicles are built with more complex technology, allowing them to have a longer lifespan.
  7. The Most Common Car Color Is White And The Least Popular Car Color Is Purple
    White, black, and gray are the most popular car colors, and you probably could have guessed that just by looking at the other cars on the road. Brighter, less-common colors like purple, orange, and yellow are not as easy to find.
  8. There Are About 50 Pounds Of Copper Wiring In The Average Car
    There’s about 40 pounds of copper in the electrical system, and 10 pounds of copper are found in non-electrical systems. That’s a lot of copper wiring and parts! Luckily, you can leave that all to your mechanic.
  9. Only One Out Of Every Three Technicians Pass The ASE Certification Exam On Their First Try
    The certification test is a very difficult test as cars are complex and made up of many parts. Here at Wrench, we have hundreds of ASE-certified techs all over the country that will bring our convenient services right to your location.

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